Southwest Power Pool

Violation Relaxation Limits used in SPP’s Security Constrained Economic Dispatch

Effective February 1, 2007

Constraint Type


Penalty Price [$/MW]

Resource capacity (Min/Max) limits

The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable output of a resource as indicated by resource plans and a/s capacity plans.


System energy balance

Energy needed to balance resources and load.


Resource ramp rates

The ramp capability of a resource as indicated in the resource plan.


Pnode constraints

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node.


Manual constraints

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a manually-identified transmission constraint.


Watch List constraints

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a constraint identified by SPP’s simultaneous feasibility studies.


Flowgate constraints

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a defined flowgate.


RTCA constraints

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s real-time contingency analysis.
